Here is a blog post the I wrote in September of 2011. It explains my heart for Latin American people and it is one of the first blog post of my journey to moving to Costa Rica from my other blog.
Heading back to Costa Rica.....
About 2 years ago, my
church, The Well was going through the book of Nehemiah. The message
that night was talking about Holy Discontent. As I was sitting there at
the table with my high school students, I began to write in my journal a
prayer. It was simple. "Lord show me what my holy discontent is" Little
did I know the journey that God was going to take me on.
After praying about
it, I felt as though I was supposed to go. And I did :) I feel in love
with Costa Rica. With the culture, the language, the people. While I was
there, I got the chance to talk to the director. I explained to him
what had been on my heart. He asked if I thought about CR and honestly
at the time, I didn’t. I asked that he give me a year to pray about it. I
had never thought about going there and I felt as though I needed more
time to process that thought and be in prayer.
So I prayed about it
when I got back. I wrote in my journal then put it on the shelf for a
few months. I didn’t want to be consume by it, but I wanted to pray and
let God do his work. In the spring of 2011, we started to plan for
another trip to CR. I knew that I was supposed to go on this trip again.
This time I was going to be able to co-lead the team and with that I
was going to be able to go to each site.
I started to pray again. I knew that God was doing something, but I wasn’t sure. It had been a year since I had been in the country and I wasn’t sure if I was going to have the same heart or passion for it. I told just a hand full of my closets friends about what I felt God doing in my life, in my heart.
So July came and we
left to CR. We (the team) were gone for 14 days. During the last week we
were there, I met with the CR director and his wife. We talked about a
lot of things, but mainly we talked about me possibly moving to CR and
being apart of the SI staff. I told them that I needed a few more
months to pray and that I wanted to come back.
Well it has been 2
months, since I have been back home. I am currently in LA and by 2:25
am, my plane will leave for Costa Rica. See I have filled out my
application for SI. I am currently getting ready to head back and live
life there for a week, have my interview and see what God is wanting me
to do. I am nervous, excited, and scared. Nervous because I am
traveling alone internationally for the first time, excited because I am
going back to a place I love and get to do some mission work there.
Scared that I will go there and God would have changed my heart. It is
hard to believe that 2 years ago, I prayed a simple prayer and the
journey he has walked me through.
Here is what I ask from you::
Prayer, Prayer, Prayer
Pray that God will give me travel mercies.
Pray that He will continue to guide me in this process. That HIS will be done.
Pray that God will open doors for me or close them. All I want to do is HIS will.